The preeminent forum grantmakers to come together and learn about the latest rules and regulations governing cross-border giving.
The International Grantmaking Symposium

November 7-8, 2023  | New York, New York

This year we will mark the official halfway point of the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which have grown to play an essential role in guiding international philanthropy. The SDGs emphasize the interconnected nature of progress and development; during this year’s International Grantmaking Symposium, we will engage funders and philanthropists in debate and conversation around how philanthropy in the US can support global progress.

The Eighth Annual International Grantmaking Symposium (IGS), hosted by CAF America in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), will convene corporate and private foundations, practitioners, philanthropists, advisors, and attorneys dedicated to advancing global philanthropy and will be an opportunity for stakeholders to share best practices and guidance on the latest rules and regulations governing cross-border giving.

What we'll cover this year

The International Grantmaking Symposium (IGS) has become the preeminent forum for our fellow practitioners, corporate foundation colleagues, advisors, and attorneys to come together and learn the latest rules and regulations governing cross-border giving. The IGS aims to fill a gap in the sector by offering a training specifically tailored to the needs of professionals dedicated to advancing international philanthropy. We focus on rules in the US, as well as country laws impacting the ability of foreign nonprofits to receive funding from outside of their country’s borders.

Like past years, this year will feature leading experts in a series of presentations, panel discussions and workshops focused on the fundamentals of international grantmaking and trends in the development space. Learn more in our Concept Note:

On the Benefits of the International Grantmaking Symposium

"I'd describe it as an experience of learning, not just from great presenters, but also from the other delegates. The IGS really provided a space in which you could talk to others about their work and learn from best practices."

Anuar Jurandini
Grants Manager, Citi Foundation

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